A unique alphanumeric name. It is recommended to use the film name, followed by a two-digit sequence which starts at 01. Example: 20080509-01-01
The name of the film the negative belongs to. Example: 20080509-01
The date of exposure. Use ISO notation (YYYY-MM-DD) as this is recognized by virtually any database engine. Example: 2008-05-11
The aperture used as free text. Example: 45
The shutter speed as free text. Example: 1/4s
The names of any filters that were used to shoot the image. Example: light yellow
The lens used to shoot the image. Example: Schneider G-Claron 9/305mm
The location, or area/city/planet where the image was taken. Example: Houston TX
A brief description of what is on the image, or a list of keywords to provide this information. Example: trees at river, morning, fog
The URL of a scan ("contact") of the negative. Example: file:///usr/home/markus/photos/lf/20080511-01-03.jpg