Update Entries

This section contains all commands that you need to edit existing database entries.

Edit Film

photo-edit-film( film-name);

Retrieves the film named film-name and displays it as an editable form in the buffer *photo-film*.

Edit Negative

photo-edit-negative( negative-name);

Retrieves the negative named negative-name and displays it as an editable form in the buffer *photo-negative*.

Edit Print

photo-edit-print( print-name);

Retrieves the print named print-name and displays it as an editable form in the buffer *photo-print*.

Update Item


Updates an existing entry in the database as identified by an ID value with the form data of the current buffer (which must be one of *photo-film*, *photo-negative*, or *photo-print*).

Update Film


Updates an existing film in the database as identified by the film ID with the data of the film entry form in the current buffer.

Update Negative


Updates an existing negative in the database as identified by the negative ID with the data of the negative entry form in the current buffer.

Update Print


Updates an existing print in the database as identified by the print ID with the data of the print entry form in the current buffer.